the Ultimate Health Model™

What if...
What if everything you knew about health was wrong or at the least incomplete
For example, the narrative that meat causes cancer doesn’t even pass the cursory test for common sense. We have been eating it for a million years and suddenly it causes disease? Moreover meat consumption has steadily declined over the past 50 years yet chronic disease rates are rising.
This brings up the point of how these studies are done. Some are called “observational” studies. Researchers give participants questionnaires and ask them what they ate over a given period of time. How accurate do you think that could possibly be?
I have developed a diagram and model that explains the true underlying factors that contribute to disease. And cholesterol, saturated fat and meat aren’t on there! Me and my team have outlined the negative factors contributing to ill health as well as the positive factors you can implement to improve it.
We have identified ten factors that we feel are most important and we will go over them so you can understand how our diagram works.
Before that I’m going to explain these circles in the diagram and their relevance. All the circles on their respective sides are constantly interacting with each other to different degrees as dictated by the omnidirectional arrows. The main point you need to understand is the big circles in the middle. Everything relates back to them as you can see by the arrows. “Oxidative stress” is when the cell’s oxidant and antioxidant capacity is out of balance. Think of oxidants as pollutants that cells make, and antioxidant are the clean up crew. This is the major contributor to ALL chronic disease!
Now we can discuss these pillars and when you thoroughly understand our model you can “self diagnose” yourself. These pillars are in some kind of order but understand one is not more important then another.

“Consciousness expresses itself through imagination, innovation and invention.” ~ Benjamin Smith
Lifestyle Factors
Positive Thoughts / Emotions
The mind, body and soul are all connected. Thoughts and emotions are energy and can actually change your biology.
Positive thoughts and emotions reduce stress on our cells and on the body itself. Reduced stress means improved digestion, improved cardiovascular system, reduced inflammation, increased hydration, improved immune function. It facilitates all cellular functions to work properly.
Stress Management
Stress is an adaptive response to a primitive brain and lifestyle, mobilizing the body into a fight or flight response. And when that stress is chronic, it can lead to a whole host of problems.
Stress also causes high blood sugar because in order to prepare to fight or flight, the body mobilizes sugar into the cells and into the tissues. That is why chronic stress can cause hyperglycemia and diabetes - because the body loads sugar into the bloodstream so it can fight or run, which causes higher blood sugar.
Stress Management reduces these stress levels and reduces these problems.
One way to reduce stress is to be in connection. Just like our body's cells need to be in harmonious and supportive connection with each other to function optimally, we also benefit from healthy connections with our communities, our environment and our family. Having this reduces stress and contributes to a healthier, longer life. On the contrary, isolation is a metaphor for disease. Cancer is being isolated. So engage with life. Be a part of something. Help your friends. Be in connection.
Proper Breathing (Nose Breathing)
Chronic mouth breathing is detrimental to your health because it leads to a lack of oxygen being released from your red blood cells and to the tissues, and that leads to many problems including chronic inflammation. In contrast, nose breathing slows down your breathing, which solves this problem, along with others.
In more details, how this works is that when you mouth breath, you exhale carbon dioxide too rapidly. This depletes your blood of carbon dioxide. Contrary to popular belief, carbon dioxide is not a useless waste product. Carbon dioxide is actually vital to impacting the oxygenation of the body’s tissues. The body needs carbon dioxide to release oxygen from red blood cells, oxygen that is needed by the body’s tissues for metabolic functions.
An example to illustrate how this works is that when people hyperventilate, they are often told to breath into a bag. Why? Because this puts the carbon dioxide back into the body so that the oxygen can be released. If one continues to hyperventilate without help, then they pass out, because of a lack of oxygen being released to the tissues, including your brain.
In addition to slowing down breathing, nose breathing properly prepares the air you breath in by acting as a filter while humidifying, pressurizing, and warming the air you breathe in. Mouth breathing with none of these benefits actually irritates our lungs with cold, dry air, causing the lungs to create mucus and inflammation.
Sleep is vital to regulating ALL functions in the body.
For example our body is designed to follow circadian rhythms, patterns of behavior and function based on the time of day. Examples are metabolizing food, or repairing and restoring cells and tissues. When we have non-restorative sleep or not enough sleep, some of these crucial functions are disrupted.
Additionally, for those who regularly work at night, some of these metabolic processes are driven by darkness, such as producing melatonin. Melatonin is a major antioxidant in the body which helps fight free radicals and regulate hundreds of the body’s functions. This is why people who work regular night shifts are more prone to getting cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and being overweight. They are causing significant inflammation because melatonin is only created in sufficient amounts in the dark. Most melatonin is produced in darkness.
Proper Diet
A proper diet is real foods, such as meat, cheese, eggs, butter, vegetables, fruits. That’s it. Anything that God put on this earth to eat that is a whole food. Anything else, don’t eat it. A proper diet is real, one-ingredient whole food.
Don’t eat sugar or processed foods. Processed foods cause stress on the mitochondria. There are no micronutrients in processed foods. Even when stuff is added like fortified cereals or milk , your body does not know how to process that. It’s not a real vitamin. Your body does not process it the same way.
Water is both mystical and essential. Everyone knows hydration is necessary but they don’t understand or respect the living qualities of water.
Medical theory focuses on two functions of water, that it transports nutrients to cells and removes waste products. However water is so much more than that. Water is the key for everything.
At its most basic level, chronic dehydration is a root causes of many problems and diseases because it causes the breakdown of almost every function in the body. For example let’s look at digestion, if you do not have enough water in the mucus lining of your intestines you can get ulcers. Dehydration can also lead to Alzheimer’s because it causes inflammation and cellular stress.
Water structures around minerals. So you need minerals in the water. If you remove the minerals from the water, then minerals are pulled from your body which causes oxidative cellular stress (see health model). You are not going to be optimally hydrated unless you drink from a natural spring where the minerals are in balance. You can add minerals to your water and that can help, but you want to add them in a way that mimics the natural balance of minerals in natural spring water. Water filters help to filter out harmful chemicals or compounds but they leave the water without a healthy balance of minerals.
However water also holds a mystical nature such as its ability to store information like a computer. Water molecules structure together. This is the "power source" for the body. You need to consume water in its most natural “energized state” as shown in our diagram.
Exercise increases brain function and reduces inflammation. One of the most important functions of exercise is that it increases mitochondrial biogenesis, meaning more mitochondria and bigger mitochondria in the cells. Remember mitochondria are what produce energy in cells. So the more of these energy factories you have in your body, the more energy you have and the more water you can store. And the more water you can store equates to helping you stay hydrated. And dehydration is a root causes of many problems (See Water). So lack of exercise leads to mitochondrial dysfunction which further leads to chronic dehydration.
Removing Toxins
Toxins are literally everywhere. They are in the air, water and food. You want to limit your exposure as best as possible. Avoid anything synthetic from personal care products to foods you consume. Eat local, organic. One of these “toxins” is actually your devices. These unnatural frequencies engage the red circles in the model diagram.
Toxins cause damage to the mitochondria. You don’t want to damage your mitochondria, which contribute to all diseases.
Toxins build up in the tissues. A lot of toxins are stored in the fat cells. Drinking more water helps you wash that out. If you are chronically dehydrated, they build up in the body.
Toxins cause inflammation. The Liver has to process toxins from food, which turns it into inert metabolites (harmless material that the body can metabolize) that then can be secreted, (removed from the body) or stored if that is not possible. Note that water helps with all of this.
Also, when your body is exposed to or ingests lots of toxins you overwork and stress your liver which has to process all of those toxins. The more toxins you consume, the more work it is for your liver. Just like when you eat too much food and stress your digestive system, anytime you stress an organ in your body, the resulting stress affects the whole body that relies on that organ.
Sun Exposure
Adequate sun exposure is vital for your health. It supports healthy blood flow which I discuss in more detail in my book.
Sunlight and infrared light help to add structure to the structured water in your cells, and the structured water is how cells communicate. Antioxidants donate electrons to other molecules that are missing an electron. When cells are missing electrons, they are unstable. The antioxidants thereby create stability, so it is not as reactive in a cell causing damage. So the more structured water you have, the more of this benefit you have.
Structured water also benefits by acting as a coating, like a teflon coating, around the cells and inside blood vessels. It’s like a super slippery gell and acts like a cushion around the cell to protect it.
So ultimately the sun and infrared light make these structured water layers bigger and helps the blood flow.
Grounding / Connecting to Nature
Grounding is the process of bare skin touching the earth. Same as sun exposure, this increases blood flow. Why do you think walking barefoot on the beach or grass feels good?
The earth is a limitless repository of electrons. So when you ground yourself to the earth, you get these electrons. Also, in nature, plants are emitting molecules which are beneficial to humans.

“Your body needs three things on a continual consistent basis - water, salt and minerals. That's it!” ~ Benjamin Smith
Healthy Cells
Let’s look at the effect of our healthy and unhealthy lifestyle factors on the health of our cells. I use the circles in the diagram to show how inter-related and connected the effects of our lifestyle factors are on the various aspects of our health.
How do healthy lifestyle factors affect our health?
Let’s take the example of water. When you are optimally hydrated, you have optimal hydration (top right circle). And optimal hydration leads to reduced chronic inflammation (bottom right circle) and healthy mitochondria (bottom left circle) which boosts the Immune System (top left circle) which all lead to Healthy Cells (center circle). And healthy cells mean a healthy you.
Understand that, although we presented this in a simplistic “one leads to the other” way, all of these processes are actually happening at the same time, instantaneously and synergistically.
How do unhealthy lifestyle factors affect our health?
Let’s return back to water. When you are not optimally hydrated, you end up with chronic dehydration (top right circle). And chronic dehydration leads to chronic inflammation (bottom right circle) and dysfunctional mitochondria (bottom left circle) which leads to a suppressed Immune System (top left circle) which all lead to Unhealthy Cells (center circle). And unhealthy cells mean an unhealthy you.
This is the opposite of the green side. This is all happening at the same time, instantaneously and synergistically in the circles of the diagram.
The Ultimate Health Model™
Want to learn more?
That’s why I wrote the book. That would be a good place to learn more.
Also I plan to be adding more information to the website so come back. I am just getting started with the website.
And you are welcome to contact me for a personal consultation or to schedule a group presentation or question and answer time.