“Today, an estimated 133 million Americans – nearly half the population – suffer from at least one chronic illness, such as hypertension, heart disease and arthritis …” – American Hospital Association
“Each year approximately 30.4 million deaths worldwide are the result of chronic disease.” – American Institute for Cancer Research
Optimal Health & Chronic Disease
We all want to be healthy right?
The diagram here in green shows healthy lifestyle factors that contribute to a healthy you. Adopting these lifestyle factors will lead you to greater health. Above the lifestyle factors in circles are core cellular conditions for healthy cells and healthy cells mean a healthy you.
On this website and in my book I will explain in more detail about each of the lifestyle factors and how and why they contribute to a healthy you. In contrast to the Optimal Health criteria, I have listed the Chronic Disease criteria which make up the second part of the Ultimate Health Model™.
But maybe we're not
How do you feel? Do you feel well? Do you have have chronic disease like Diabetes, Heart Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Cancer, Migraine Headaches, Chronic Stress, Arthritis, Alzheimer’s Disease, and so on?
Consider this basic analogy. When you get chronic disease, its like you’re getting a “check engine” light in your body telling you that your body is out of balance and needs help. So your chronic disease does not need to be thought of as a punishment, instead think of it as your bodies way of telling you that you need help and you need to fix what is going wrong – and we are going to show you how to do that.
So don’t ignore your check engine light in your car and don’t ignore your check engine light / chronic disease with your body. If you ignore it, someday your car may simply stop working, which is not what you want for your body.
On the red diagram are lifestyle factors that contribute to chronic disease and above them in circles are the core cellular conditions that result from such lifestyle factors. All of these relate to each other and on this website and in my book I intend to explain how and why. Changing your lifestyle from the red to the green will improve your health. Understanding why and how will help motivate you to adopt the healthy lifestyle factors over the unhealthy lifestyle factors.
The Ultimate Health Model™
Your journey to a healthy you is your journey changing lifestyle habits from red to green.
We have a little jingle, try it out: Green side good, Red side bad, do the green side, it will make you glad!

“There is only one person responsible for the quality of life you live and that person is you.” ~ Jack Canfield
Let me introduce myself
My name is Benjamin Smith. I would like to share how you can heal yourself and live a healthier, happier life.
In a nutshell, what most people are telling you is incomplete and misleading. I would like to fix that. I created a simple yet comprehensive health model that I call the Ultimate Health Model™, and I wrote a book to teach you about it.
This health model is unlike anything you have seen. Some of it may be familiar, and some of it is likely new to you. Why this model is so unique and important is that it integrates all of the core factors that contribute to health or disease, and why.
This website presents the main concepts of the Ultimate Health Model™, hopefully enough that you can see the value of learning more, either through the book or through the other ways I plan to share about it.
My invitation is to explore this website. The ultimate goal is for you to make changes in your life that will lead you to better health. My heartfelt desire is to help you and the ones you love lead happier, healthier, and longer lives.
~ Benjamin Smith
Health Coach and Author
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Why cartoons?
You might ask, why are there cartoon characters? This doesn’t look like your typical health website.
I am trying to explain about your health in a whole different way. I chose to use cartoons as a way to help describe the concepts more clearly and make it more engaging and identifiable. I hope you find it helpful.
What do I do now?
Next steps? That will be different for different people.
You might just want to get started making changes right away. If that’s you, you can look at the diagrams and pick one lifestyle factor that stands out to you, that you feel you could improve on, and start to make a changes.
Another approach would be to learn more. I wrote more on this website to better explain the health model, and I wrote a lot more in my book, which is coming out soon but not out yet. Knowledge is a powerful motivator.
Either way, doing this with someone else is another option to consider. Is there someone you know who you might share this with, so you can discuss it and learn together? Or maybe a group of people. Making lifestyle changes with others can also be an effective support to making changes.
If you feel stuck, you can contact me for a personal consultation or to schedule a group presentation or question and answer time.