About the Book

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Table of Contents
- Overview
- Optimal Health
- Body Design
- Breath
- Sleep
- Water
- Movement
- Environment
- Thoughts and Feelings
- Closing
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Why Are You Sick?
How to reclaim your health with the Ultimate Health Model™
“Life is to be enjoyed, not simply endured.”
— Willard Gaylin

The Lies We’re Told
Sometimes it feels like the ability to reclaim our health is just out of reach.
Are you stressed out? Do you feel that your vitality is gone? Maybe when you were twenty everything was great, but at thirty, or forty, or fifty, you feel like it’s all downhill from here. Your body’s not working as well as it was when you were a kid. Everything aches, and everyone says that the older you get, the worse it’s going to be.
Do you feel like you’re working hard just to get through the day, surviving instead of thriving?
You’ve been following mainstream advice, but you’re not getting better. You might have diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, allergies, bad breath, acid reflux, or a myriad of other health ailments. Maybe you suffer from headaches, or feel sluggish when you should have energy. You might even have dementia, Alzheimer’s, or cancer.
Doctors treat your symptoms, but not the underlying cause. You’re not getting better, and you don’t know why.
Or maybe you’re unhappy with your weight. You try to diet, but every time you drop a pound, you gain it right back. You can’t lose the weight no matter how much you exercise. You have a beer belly, or pregnancy weight you can’t lose. Your hormones are out of balance, and you’re constantly pressured by society’s messages into thinking this is all your fault.
You feel discouraged and disappointed. You’re becoming resigned to a life of pain. You can’t help but wonder…if all these treatments are supposed to work, and all the mainstream health knowledge is right, why is everyone still sick? You feel like you’ve followed the rainbow but found no pot of gold. Just miseer
All of that can change. Because there is a way to get that pot of gold. There is health and vitality waiting for you. Why are you sick? It isn’t your fault. You’ve just had the wool pulled over your eyes, and been sent down the wrong road.
It’s time to open your eyes to the truth.
Reclaim Your Health
For fifteen years, I’ve been researching health practices to find the truth we don’t acknowledge. I’ve learned just how much we know but don’t talk about when it comes to our overall health and wellness. I’ve distilled the unconventional answers that I discovered into the Ultimate Health Model™, founded on a symbiotic relationship between underlying cellular factors, along with causative factors that determine the status of your health.
In this book, you will see the myths you’ve been told, and how those lies, stripped away, reveal the truth. At the end of the day, you’ll be able to put your questions into visual form through my Ultimate Health Model™.
If you’re looking for yet another diet book, this isn’t the book for you. If you want a secret formula of what to eat and how to lose weight, this isn’t the book for you.
If you want to know why you’re overweight? If you want to know what causes inflammation, and how to fight it? If you want to know the truths about your health that no one talks about? If you want to know why you’re sick, and how to get better? Then you’re in the right place.
This book gets you to the root causes of the health conditions that are impacting your life, and teaches you how to treat them. It shares ideas that no one has put together, in one place, outside of this book. This is fascinating, potentially life-changing, information that you’ve possibly never thought of until now.
At the end of the day, if you follow the practices and systems in this book, you’ll have better health. Your body will be in balance. You’ll experience more vitality, energy, and excitement about life. You will understand that your poor health isn’t your fault.
It might take a month. It might take six months. But I guarantee you that you will start to feel better. You will have more hope for your health, and you’ll see the light, maybe for the first time in a long time.
A Future of Vitality
I know what these principles can do because I’ve put them all in practice in my own life. I’ve seen the benefits first-hand. I’m a certified health coach, and I practice what I preach.
I’m not a doctor. I’m not a scientist, or a dietician, or a nutritionist. If you’re looking at that and wondering, “Who is this guy? What does he think he knows?” the answer is simple: I’m someone who’s been paying attention. I read voraciously, everything I can get my hands on. I do the research, speak with experts in their respective fields and then I come to my own conclusions. I test my hypotheses by putting them into practice in my own life. And when I see the results, I share it with those around me.
I truly believe in the Ultimate Health Model™, and I can’t wait to see its impact on your health and vitality. You’re going to look better, feel better, and have hope for the future: for your health and your independence. I have confidence that even if things in your life have gotten really bad, they will improve if you follow these health practices.
The universe wants you to be healthy. Once you understand that, and understand how to think outside the box, you will have health and vitality. The puzzle pieces of your health are all there. Open your mind to the goodness around you, and you will finally be able to see the big picture of your health.
Excerpt from the Chapter on Water
“A drop of water, if it could write out its own history, would explain the universe to us.“– Lucy Larcom
An Epiphany on Water
It’s easy to take water for granted. I used to. I drank water out of the tap, or from bottles, and it tasted fine. It’s water, right? It’s just sort of…there.
In 2014, I dated a woman who drank spring water, delivered in large bottles to her house every week. I was surprised by how much better it tasted than the water I was used to. “Could there be more to water than I imagined?” I wondered.
Feeling curious, I started to research water. I watched a documentary called The Miracle of Water . What really stuck with me from watching this was the mystical nature of water. I remember one scientist remarking that, “Water might be the world’s most malleable computer.” When I started to investigate this theory, I realized scientists are currently researching ways of using water molecules as computing devices. Water is a liquid crystal, just like the crystals in modern computers.
It all started to make sense. Since humans are mostly water, we all are basically giant computers. I saw that water was the key to life. I began to explore the potential impact of structured water—the natural water that exists in the world all around us. I started to understand that structured water is possibly able to hold information. Soon I was drinking mostly structured water.
The effects were immediate: I felt healthier. Stronger. I slept better, was sick less often, had better digestion, and stopped getting headaches Was this the water? I wondered. It was definitely contributing to my better health.
Convincing others of the power of water was challenging. My twin sister called it (and still does!) foo-foo water. She can see the changes in me, but she’s so caught up in the traditional modes of thinking, she just can’t break through.
Then, in 2019, my mother passed. I began to think a lot more about water—and its impact on the cancer that had taken her from me.
Gregg Braden, who wrote The God Code: The Secret of Our Past, the Promise of Our Future, found that the signature of our Creator is within our DNA. The phrase, “God internal within us” is written on our cells in a computer type code. “Is DNA a biological computer program?” I wondered. As I began to think about water in the context of Braden’s research, I had a powerful revelation.
“What if he means is that we are all water, and God is water, and God is consciousness? By deduction water is consciousness!” Everything clicked into place.
You can’t kill water. Energy can only be transformed, never destroyed. This is a very simplistic view of the First Law of Thermodynamics of physics. My mom and sister weren’t gone. They were water, somewhere in the world. I was relieved, knowing that I hadn’t truly lost them. They’re part of this larger water system and consciousness that’s around all of us.
But I was angry, too. Hell, I was furious! Cancer had taken so much of my family, and I believe cancer is caused by a miscommunication between the structured crystalline water within us in a very complex process. Is it possible energy in the form of photons goes into the structure of the water, gets to a cancer cell, and is interrupted? What if the water within us that isn’t structured is causing disharmony? Could it be causing disease, just like a computer short circuiting?
If the doctors had given my mother and sister structured water, they might be alive right now. But they’re not—the doctors didn’t know enough to save them.
No one is really talking about structured water. Why? Maybe it’s because of the energetic and social behavior of water—which is way more powerful and important than the fact that water is a medium to dissolve “stuff” in. Water, in fact, is very difficult to measure and quantify. Not to mention that water responds differently to everyone. Few people understand the truly magical powers of water. I’m going to change these outdated views, starting right here, right now. Why are you sick? Water is a big answer.